Saturday, May 29, 2010

Why must they grow up so fast??

My sweet little Abby is 15 months old now. She's a tiny 20 lbs 10 oz and 29 inches. She is so beautiful it just takes my breath away sometimes! She is looking and acting more and more like a little girl and less like a baby. It's bitter sweet. I love seeing her learn and develop, but I am sad that her baby days are rapidly dissolving. She is speaking in sentences (both verbally and in sign) and to this point I have lost count of all of her words. She LOVES to color and of course, read. She sometimes like to play with her blocks and build, but mostly she likes mommy to build and she plays Abbyzilla. She thinks it is hilarious.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Here we go again!

After ending up with a chemical pregnancy from our FET in April  I have been nervous about our latest IVF cycle. I had my first appointment since starting the stims 5 days ago. Things are right on track and I add a third shot tomorrow. I am expecting egg retrieval to be around Sunday. That means I need to get my butt in gear and get Memorial Flowers cleaned and ready to go out to the graves on Saturday. I am tying to keep my normally positive attitude about all of this, but the truth is I am scared this time! When we did our first IVF cycle it was unfamiliar and I had no idea what to expect, and never thought, not once, that it wouldn't work. Coming away from a failed FET changes everything. What do we do if this doesn't work? Do we attempt to save the money and try one more time, or do we just leave it alone and spoil our little princess? We really want her to have a sibling that is closer to her age than her big brothers.
I go back for another follicle check on Thursday, so lets pray they are growing and developing just right!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Holy Signing babby Batman!

We have been signing to Abby since she was 4 months old. She began signing "milk" at around 5-6 months old. She is now 14 months and she is picking signs up at an amazing rate! She currently has a 20 word sign vocabulary and a 20 word vocal vocabulary. That's even more than her genius brother!! She is showing some early reading skills emerging also! Because Signing Time shows the printed word as well, it's teaching her to read! I am so amazed at her ability to learn so rapidly.

Her current sign list is:
all done